When is it going to happen?

Author: Dr. Michelle Durkin on 28 April 2020

This is the number one question you need to ask yourself after you set some type of goal.

Because unless you get out your calendar and figure out exactly when you’re going to make it happen, I’ve got bad news for you…it’s only wishful thinking.  

Perhaps you want to finally lose that twenty pounds, work out regularly, or write that book you’ve always hoped to write.

Without a process for when that is all going to happen, in all likelihood you’ll be dreaming of the same thing at this time next year. Or worse still, beating yourself up for not having achieved it.

The reality of modern life is that we’re all busy.

The flip side of this reality is that "busy" is a choice.

Will you take this period of social distancing to create a plan for how you really want to be spending your time? Or will your time be wasted on the many distractions so readily available?

If you truly want excellent health – and I know you do or you wouldn’t be reading this email! – you need to make certain food habits a consistent part of your routine:

  • Real food meal planning
  • Real food shopping 
  • Real food cooking
  • Real food eating

The bottom line is: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Good food isn’t going to show up on your plate. It’s going to take a bit of planning on your part, just like achieving any other worthwhile goal in life.

Give some thought as to when it will work for YOU. And realize that this can change from week to week, or season to season.

For me, I usually prepare meals for the week every Saturday or Sunday. This used to be when I had the most time. Recently this has changed a little bit. I now have more time off during the week so I'm doing a little more meal prep on Mondays.

Once you get these habits into your calendar, you need to honour and respect them. You need to show up. Just as you would for an important meeting with your boss or getting the kids to their sports.

If you back out on yourself, you back out on your worthwhile goals. You let yourself down, and every set-back reduces your confidence to reach that goal.

One of the best ways to ensure this doesn’t happen to you, is to plan in advance.  

I want you to take action now!

We all have the same 24 hours available to us. Have an honest look at your calendar and get real food on the schedule. 

Now I would love to hear from you! When are the healthy food habits going to live and breath in your life? Leave a comment below and I'll be back next week with another edition of Doctor as Teacher Tuesday!

Did you like this post? It is part of my 30 day, Apple a Day series. If you don't want to miss out on the rest, or would like to have all the apples in one convenient spot, sign up using the link below. Now is the perfect time to learn how to create optimal health and keep yourself out of the doctor's office!


2 Replies to “When is it going to happen?”


Very good advice!

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