5 Reasons to Join the Eat Real Food Bootcamp

Author: Dr. Quinte Naturopathic Centre on 9 March 2014

Most of us equate eating healthy with deprivation - or worse. We think hunger, weird food, celery as our only snack and cravings. We might feel better when we reach our goal, but is it really worth it? The thing is, you don't have to suffer. There is a way of eating healthy food that's all about fabulous, delicious food. In our Eat Real Food Bootcamp we have a 30 day program to end food addiction, cut sugar and carb cravings, and lose weight effortlessly and deliciously. Doesn't that sound great? Click here to read more and get started.

5 Reasons to Join the Eat Real Food Bootcamp

1. You have FLC Syndrome (Feel Like Crap Syndrome). This is a term coined by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD. You wake up feeling less than vital, vibrant, alive, joyful and full of energy.

2. You can’t lose weight and keep it off (you want to fit into your jeans). We have been convinced that losing weight is just a matter of calories in/calories out, that it’s about energy balance, about eating less and exercising more. How’s that working out for you? Probably not so well!

3. You can’t control your sugar and carb cravings (you may be suffering from food addiction). Willpower is not going to change the biologically addictive quality of sugar and carbs. In fact, sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. If you are trying to use willpower to lose weight you will fail. You have to use science to unhook yourself from the addictive power of sugar, flour and hyper-processed, hyper-palatable food-like products that fill our grocery store shelves.

4. You can fight sugar with fat. Fat is not a bad word. Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar does. Fat makes you full, balances your blood sugar and is necessary for fueling your cells.

5. Use friend power, not willpower.  New research shows that obesity is contagious. You are more likely to be overweight if your friends are overweight than if your parents or siblings are overweight. But health is contagious too. That is why the Eat Real Food Bootcamp is done in a group environment. Join with a friend for even more benefits.

All of these ideas and more—plus a daily video on how to make them work for you. If you’re inspired to end your food addiction and your sugar and carb cravings, and really want to change your health, check out the Eat Real Food Bootcamp program and sign up today!


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